Taylor Swift photo by Sheryl Nields, courtesy of Big Machine Records.
July 21, 2009 — It's become a winning formula for Taylor Swift. Fall in love, get your heart broken, write a song about the guy and then sell millions when other young women no doubt identify with your plight. Taylor tells the Voice of America's website, voanews.com, that her potential suitors have been warned.
"It is not like guys do not know what they are getting into," she says. "I have been very open and honest about it my entire career since I was 16 years old. It is like I write songs about real people. If we date, you are going to end up being a character. You can choose whether you are going to be a good character or a bad character. Choose wisely."
One thing Taylor chooses wisely is her mentors.
"My role models are people like Garth Books and Faith Hill," she says. "I just love the fact that they are so nice to people, and they are so good to their fans. You know, you grow up and yo u have your favorite singers. Then when you meet all of them, that list kind of shifts to the people who are great people first and great musicians second. I have always aspired to be a great person first."
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