Monday, June 29, 2009

CMT Insider Interview: Miranda Lambert Talks About "Dead Flowers"

Song Is First Single From Her Upcoming Album, Revolution
Miranda Lambert reunited with director Randee St. Nicholas to shoot the music video for "Dead Flowers." It's the first single from her third album, Revolution, scheduled for release in late September.

St. Nicholas, who also directed Lambert's "More Like Her" video, is a photographer who evolved into a highly-successful director whose country credits include Alan Jackson's "Like Red on a Rose." She has also directed videos for Prince, the Bee Gees, Marc Anthony and many others.

At the video shoot, CMT Insider talked to Lambert about the song and the video.

"This song is pretty special to me," she said. "I wrote it by myself, and it was the last song I wrote before I went into the studio [to record the new album]. It being the first single, I definitely wanted the video to reflect the song and the lyrics and how I felt when I wrote the song."

It didn't take Lambert long to write the song.

"This was really one of those songs that just hit me," she said. "It just wrote itself. It was about 30 minutes -- and I'd written it. I'd thrown the flowers in the yard that I'd gotten for Valentine's Day. It was sad, you know. They weren't dead, but I had to leave and go on the road. They were going to be dead when I got back, so that's kind of where the song came from.

"The video is basically written around every single lyric of the song -- from dead flowers to Christmas lights to the wind. It's just a kind of a going through your house type of thing -- just being really introverted and just really depressed about the state of your relationship. I love it when video directors take the lyrics of your song and really portray every single little detail because, as a writer, that's my baby, and I want it to be a real depiction. Randee St. Nicholas is a great director. I knew that she could draw that emotion back out of me because I obviously had that emotion at one time."

Despite the success of her CDs and tours, Lambert acknowledges that her biggest hit so far, "Gunpowder & Lead," only reached No. 7 on Billboard's country chart. At this point, she's not making any predictions about the ultimate chart success of "Dead Flowers."

"I don't know what's going to happen," she said. "I've only had one song in the Top 10 in my career so far, so I'm not sure -- as far as radio goes -- what will happen. I hope it's my first Top 5, but if it's not, I think the fans love it. Slowly but surely, they're starting to sing along a little bit, and they hear it on the radio. Either way, I think it's a success."

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