Saturday, June 13, 2009

CMA Donates $1 Million to Nashville Public School Students

June 12, 2009 — The Country Music Association is donating $1,011,294 to Nashville's more than 75,000 public school children from 2008 CMA Music Festival. CMA's "Keep the Music Playing" program funds music education in Metro Nashville in partnership with the Nashville Alliance for Public Education (NAPE). To date, CMA has now donated $2,245,421 in support of music education in public schools. This money has been used to build music labs and purchase instruments and much needed supplies in Metro Nashville Public Schools. Artists perform at CMA Music Festival for free. To show its appreciation for their dedication and time, CMA donates half the net proceeds from the Festival to charity on their behalf. When the program began in 2001, it was known as CMA's "Cause for Celebration!" From 2001-2005 CMA contributed more than $800,000 to more than 100 worthy causes. "The majority of our artists live in the Nashville area," said Genovese. "They are involved in the community and want to make a difference in the lives of the kids who go to school here. They know firsthand what music has done for their lives, and they know what it can do for these students."
Thirty one schools will benefit from the 2008 donation, including 21 schools who are receiving instruments from the "Keep the Music Playing" program for the first time. The other 10 schools are receiving their final instrument donations this year, as the program has successfully=2 0fulfilled all of their current needs.

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