Friday, May 22, 2009

Willie Becomes 'Texas State Musician'

Thursday, May 21, 2009 – Willie Nelson's interaction with government has not always been so positive, but he received an honor from the Texas state legislature Wednesday naming him the 2009 State Musician.
The bill said, "Honorees are chosen for the exceptional quality of their work and for their outstanding commitment to the arts in Texas; nominees must either be native Texans or have resided in the state for at least five years; in addition, they must have received critical recognition from state, regional, and national publications, and they must have attained the highest levels of excellence in their respective disciplines."
"Willie Nelson is the 2009 Texas State Musician; this legendary Texas performer was playing the guitar at the age of 6 and performing at 10; after establishing himself in Nashville as a hit songwriter, he returned to Texas and soon became world-famous as an interpreter of his own songs and as an icon of the outlaw country music movement; he has further distinguished himself as a film and television actor and entrepreneur, as well as an ever-popular touring concert artist who has been involved in numerous charity events such as FarmAid."
Nelson said, "I consider it a great honor, and I want to thank everyone who helped make it happen."

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