Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sammy Kershaw Considers Another Political Run

May 29, 2009 — In October 2007, Sammy Kershaw got taken to the cleaners when he ran for lieutenant governor in the state of Louisiana. Despite the loss, he's mulling a return to the ballot.
"I'm seriously thinking about 2011," he told The Monroe News Star. "That's the job I want. I know I can do that job better than anybody ever has. It's an entertainment job, a promotional job for the state of Louisiana. It's not exactly a political office. It's about bringing in tourism, promoting the people, all parts of entertainment, the different cultures. I believe — I don't just believe, I know — I would be the best at it."
The first time around, Sammy finished second in the voting, pulling in a mere 30% at precincts. But he figures he learned a little something from the experience. He entered the race late, and he didn't make it his only focus.
"I didn't stop doing music, even during the campaign," he said.
The 2011 election is still more than two years away, and Sammy is keeping his focus on music for now. He's finishing work on an album that should be out in the coming months with the working title Better Than I Used To Be.

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