Monday, May 18, 2009

Keith Urban Joins "Idol" Finale

Keith Urban photo courtesy of Capitol Nashville.

May 18, 2009 — Keith Urban is idolized by country fans across the U.S., and he'll be "Idol"-ized on TV this week with an appearance on the finale of "American Idol" on Wednesday.
Keith will perform at Los Angeles' Kodak Theatre that night before this season's champion, Kris Allen or Adam Lambert, is declared. Thus far, Keith's choice of material is being kept quiet, much as the "Idol" production team tries to keep the finalists' music choices secret.
"I think this year in particular has been one of the best for 'American Idol,'" Keith says. "There are — and were — some truly gifted vocalists. The Rat Pack episode was the best, across-the-board night of singing that I've ever seen on television. I guess what I love most about the show is watching the musical growth; to see them use the critique given and come back the next week and blow you away. That's the20magic of 'Idol.'"
Keith won't be alone among this week's "Idol" guests. Lionel Richie, Carlos Santana, Cyndi Lauper, Queen Latifah, the Black Eyed Peas and last year's "Idol" winner, David Cook, are also slated for Wednesday. Carrie Underwood sings "Home Sweet Home" on Tuesday's edition.

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