Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jimmy Wayne Bails from Bus via Window

Just call him Bo Duke.
Jimmy Wayne was caught on video making a Dukes of Hazzard exit from his tour bus last week in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., when the lock on the door jammed just about a minute before the singer was due on stage.
"I went to the front door on the bus to walk off and go inside the venue, and the bus door wouldn't open," Jimmy said. "I thought it was just stuck, so I messed with it a few minutes and realized I wasn't getting off the bus. It was pretty easy to go jump out of the window, but the bus has lights under the window and if you tear one of those lights off it's a repair."
Several minutes later, someone found a ladder and set it up beside the bus, allowing him to climb out of the back window and make his show, albeit 20 minutes late.
"I was stressed out, because I never like to be late going on stage," he said. "I'm just glad it didn't happen on the Paisley tour! (Jimmy will be opening for Brad Paisley this summer.) I would have had to dive out of that window, but I would have been thinking it was one of Brad's pranks."
As it happened, Jimmy was able to execute the escape without messing up his hair, much less the lights on the side of the bus.
"It seems like crazy things happen to everybody," he said. "I guess we just caught this one on film. We were just going to make a little video and give it to the fans as to say, 'Here, this is why we were late.' No one would believe that. We had to film it.' "
To see the video of Jimmy's "Duke boys" escape from the bus, visit www.tennessean.com.

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