Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hank Jr. Offers Bailout Package

Friday, April 17, 2009 – Hank Williams Jr. is offering the Bocephus Bailout Package ( in an effort to help tax-paying Americans get through these hard times. He also released a new single Red White and Pink-Slip Blues, which he debuted Wednesday.
The contest winner of the package allows one American to become an "Honorary Crew Member for the Day." That will result in $1,000 spending money; plus an additional $1,500 towards travel and hotel to concert location. The winner plus one guest will receive premium seats to the concert and meet Hank Jr. backstage. One Limited Edition Collector's Tin featuring the CDs "Family Tradition," "Whiskey Bent & Hell Bound" and "The Pressure Is On,' a limited edition Monday Night Football Guitar and an autographed copy of the brand new single Red White and Pink-Slip Blues also will go to the winner.

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