Monday, April 27, 2009

Ferlin Husky Resting at Home

From Tennessean entertainment editor Linda Zettler:
On April 20, we told you that country singer Ferlin Husky had been hospitalized with congestive heart failure and pneumonia, but this weekend, he was resting at home.
Ferlin, 83, was released from St. John's Hospital in Springfield, Mo., on Friday night after a little more than a week there, and is on complete bed rest at his home in Vienna, Mo. (He splits his time between homes there and in the Nashville area.)
"He was getting very antsy, of course. He still has some congestion, but they released him to go home with complete bed rest. He's still a sick puppy," says manager Larry Graham.
"We're all very concerned about him, but he's going to be OK. … He's still weak, but he's OK."
The singer behind early 1960s hits like "Wings of a Dove" and "Gone," Ferlin had toured recently before getting ill. A couple of days after he finished a 20-day tour in Texas, he was taken to the hospital by ambulance, Larry says.
Ferlin's close friend and touring partner, Leona Williams, is taking care of him. "She said she'd rather have a wildcat on her hands," Larry said on Sunday afternoon.
Ferlin previously has suffered heart attacks, and has had three open-heart surgeries.
"We just ask for everybody's prayers so he can get well," Larry says. "Maybe we can put a chain on him and keep him off the road."

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